VOX Cinemas Mobile App
Fancy watching a movie? Download the VOX Cinemas app to book ahead of time and beat that ticket queue! We’ve made browsing and booking a movie easier than ever, right from your mobile phone. Check showtimes, book tickets, and discover more about movies showing in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Egypt and Lebanon.
Whether you’re browsing around the mall or planning a film night, check which movies are on and avoid the ticket queues by booking with our VOX Cinemas mobile app!
The VOX Cinemas app in a nutshell…
* Save your favourite cinema, pick your movie and book
* Skip the ticket queue and scan your e-ticket at the cinema ticket podium
* Save your e-ticket using Apple Wallet
* Discover all your movie information, with trailers, cast, synopsis, ratings & more
* Search for movies, your favourite actors, cinemas or VOX Ways to Watch
* Experience all of our Ways to Watch movies
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